Aaryavart Foundation

About Us

Aaryavart Foundation is dedicated to creating a better future through various social initiatives, including environmental conservation, health awareness, and community development.

Our Mission

We strive to bring positive change by involving communities in sustainable projects that improve living conditions, protect nature, and support underprivileged groups.

Our Programmes


Promoting hygiene and sanitation initiatives for a cleaner environment.


Encouraging sustainable practices and afforestation programs.


Providing medical aid and conducting health awareness campaigns.

Public Welfare Schemes

Helping communities access government welfare programs effectively.

Sports Competitions

Encouraging youth participation in sports for physical and mental well-being.

Your Voice

Providing a platform for people to raise concerns and suggest improvements.

Become a volunteer

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Giving is Virtue.

Helps us In making India better and playing a part in saving lives of millions of lives of children

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"Embrace and nurture those around you with kindness."


"Show empathy and understanding to those in need."


"Support causes that uplift and inspire."